The Allington Hillbillies (the Allington Hill, Cooper’s Wood and Field Community Group) volunteer for the Woodland Trust (who own Allington Hill) and for Bridport Town Council, Bridport West and Allington Ward (who lease Cooper’s Wood and Field from the Woodland Trust). All this land is open access for everyone and anyone.
The group aims to involve the community in looking after these areas for the benefit of the local wildlife and to provide a community space for all to enjoy.
The volunteer group rely on funding and donations, to restore and maintain Cooper’s Wood and Cooper’s Field. They also make items to sell, from Coppiced timber, sourced from the wood. Over the last decade they have created a wildflower meadow, improved the diversity of habitat for the benefit of wildlife and maintained a green space for the community to enjoy.
To donate £5 please scan QR code below.
To receive e-mail notifications of events and news, please sign up for e-mail updates.
We welcome you to share your visits to the hill with others and to join in the conversations, events and other activities.
Facebook - Allington Hillbillies
E-mail - allingtonhill@gmail.com
Woodland Trust website - www.woodlandtrust.org.uk
Bridport Town Council, Bridport West and Allington Ward- bridportwest.ward@tc.gov.uk