Pictures for some of these can be found under the Photos tab.
2016. Introduction of outdoor family activity events, initially paid for out of our own funds, then with money raised by Aiden's Amble and grant money from the Dorset Area of Outstanding Beauty Team and the West Bay Car Boot Fund.
2016. Five year Management Plan for Cooper’s Wood and Field, arranged and paid for by the Dorset Area of Outstanding Beauty Team.
March 2016. Picnic Bench at the Hospital Lane main gate, especially designed to be wheelchair and buggy friendly, funded by the West Bay Car Boot Fund and our own funds
June 2016. Duncan the Tractor joins the team, thanks to grants from the People's Postcode Lottery and Allington Parish Council, a generous donation and our own funds

August 2016. Duncan takes part in the Bridport Carnival Procession, and we are one of the groups supported by and supporting the Carnival
Autumn 2016. We were on the TV!