Cooper's Circle
Cooper’s Circle lies within Cooper’s Wood.
The idea of Cooper’s Circle as a space within the wood where people could meet and enjoy the peace and beauty of the area was conceived by Defoe Smith, a local “pirate”.
The Parish Council and The Hillbillies embraced the concept and in a remarkably short time raised the money from grants and donations to clear the area, build a dead hedge, and install seating and a fire pit.
Cooper’s Circle is a perfect venue for Forest Schools, Story Telling and a whole raft other children’s activities. Adults have held dog training workshops, impromptu juggling and music events and a band of mysterious pirates has played the night away with shanties and tales of daring do. The magical coppice is the ideal setting for parties and celebrations.
It is available for groups or individuals to hire and we also host outdoor activities and storytelling for children of all ages. We endeavour to makes these events accessible to all and therefore subsidise places when funding is available. The project aims to promote outdoor play and a love and knowledge of the natural world involving the whole community.
In February 2020 Cooper's Circle received a revamp. We received a grant from the National Lottery to rebuild the area. As part of Cooper's Wood management plan, Ash trees suffering from Ash die back were felled and moved to site by Toby Hoad and his logging horses. A fallen Beech tree was also used from Allington Hill. This timber was used to rebuild Cooper's Circle. The volunteers were helped by Dorset Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty's volunteer taster day and students from Sir John Colfox Academy. Due to Covid 19 lock down work started again in June to finish the project.
Please email for information on using the area.