Cooper's Wood and Field
Cooper's Wood was planted in 2004. One thousand saplings, 500 Ash, 400 Oak, 20 Field Maple, 20 Goat Willow, 20 Hazel, 20 Geulder Rose and 20 Crab Apple. Sadly in 2021the first signs of ash Die back were recorded. Due to the young age of the trees and being over crowded the hard decision to fell the Ash was taken. We had removed 150 of the weaker Ash trees in 2019, as part of the thinning process.
Over the next 4 years 90% of the Ash Trees were felled as part of the regeneration project. Only 3 Ash trees seem resilient to the disease and are being monitored. The rest have been left as standing dead wood in a zone away from the paths in the wood.
To improve the diversity of the woodland many saplings have been introduced. Cherry, Silver Birch, Rowen, Field maple, Dog Wood and Hawthorn. Allowing natural regeneration to take place has introduced, Beech, Sweet Chestnut, Hornbeam, Elm, Sycamore and Holly.
January 2024 we witnessed the last of the felling. Over 10,000 wild snowdrops, daffodils and primroses will be planted in February as part of the regeneration programme. The woodland will then be left to heal, hopefully with little intervention.